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Our team has gained in-depth knowledge on insurance industry and other regulatory aspects through our involvements in advising Thai and the world’s leading insurance operators in their mergers and acquisitions of various insurance companies during the past 25 years or so. During the course of our involvements, we were heavily involved in drafting and negotiation of bancassurance agreements, reinsurance agreements, and advising on the insurance regulations and compliance and are generally familiar and in regular contact with the Office of Insurance Commission.

Notable transactions include:

  • Advising Oaktree in connection with its investment as one of the cornerstone investors in the IPO and listing of Thai Life Insurance

  • Advising Kasikornbank in relation to the bancassurance agreement for the distribution of life insurance products of Muang Thai Life Assurance

  • Strategic alliance between Allianz and Sri Ayudhya Capital (AYUD) in life and non-life insurance business in Thailand via (i) an acquisition by Allianz of interest in AYUD via a partial tender offer and a private placement and (ii) a business integration of Allianz General Insurance and Sri Ayudhya General Insurance

  • Advising Lombard and LeapFrog in connection with their acquisition (approximately 11% each) from Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance of approximately 21.75% of Syn Mun Kong Insurance through a bidding process

  • Acquisition by CPRN (Thailand) from Charoen Pokphand Group of approximately 50% interest of Allianz C.P. General Insurance with the total value of approximately Baht 872 million

  • Advising Allianz Ayudhya and Sri Ayudhya General Insurance on certain bancassurance agreements

  • Acquisition and business integration of AYUD and BT Insurance

  • Acquisition by AYUD of the entire interest in BT Insurance

  • Acquisition by Allianz SE of 16% interest in AYUD

  • Acquisition by Allianz SE of 47% in Ayudhya CMG Life Assurance, the then Thailand’s third largest life insurance company

  • Advising Southeast Insurance and Thaivivat in its business cooperation with its respective partners in relation to their healthcare insurance products