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Training & Activities

As part of our legal service, we are committed to regularly utilise our resources and expertise on a pro bono basis and contribution will not only raise social awareness within the firm but also assist NGOs and social enterprises to fully pursue their goals. We are a proud member of TrustLaw pro bono legal programme, a part of Thomson Reuters Foundation which connects NGOs and social enterprises with legal firms and corporate legal teams in pro bono projects.

With TrustLaw, we had provided our legal service pro bono to a few social enterprises and foundations such as Eco-Logic Co., Ltd. and Thai Child Development Foundation (TCDF), a foundation located in Chumphon whose main objective is to support medical care and education for underprivileged children in need.

To support TCDF, please visit


We further assisted Wedu, a non-profit organisation based in Thailand aiming at providing underprivileged female university students with leadership development programme and financial supports to through loans and financial assistance.

To support Wedu, please visit

We also assisted Socialgiver, an award winning social enterprise which provides an online platform which connects popular brands and customers together to fundraise for NGOs, social enterprise or social and environmental projects.

To support Socialgiver, please visit


We also assisted Steps with Theera, a social enterprise engaging in the provision of training and employment for people with learning differences in Thailand including working in the community to change perceptions of disability and demonstrating the benefits of inclusive, equal employment, in certain aspects of its finance and project in Thailand.

To support Steps with Theera, please visit

In addition to TrustLaw, we also work in collaboration with other law firms or directly with NGOs in certain pro bono project. One of our projects includes participating in the global pro bono project in collaboration with Clifford Chance and lawyers from over 100 firms globally for the UN Special Rapporteur multijurisdictional in respect of Right to a Healthy Environment: Good Practices. The report produced thereunder (a full report of the Special Rapporteur on human rights and the environment can be found on the OHCHR’s website) were presented to the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva in March 2020 which we trust raises awareness for right to, and good practice of, safe and healthy environment around the world.


Without a doubt, we encourage and support everyone of our team to participate in pro bono projects as well as other Corporate Social Responsibility Programme and make a social and environmental impact.